Maxime Vo

Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia

Article Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia

Technology at the service of data transparency

Last March, I had the opportunity to participate in the latest edition of the "Citizens of Wallonia" hackathon, an event dedicated to technological innovation for the Walloon region. The hackathon started on Friday afternoon and ended on Sunday evening, bringing together technology, design, and architecture enthusiasts around ambitious projects.

Arrivée au Hackaton
Arrival at the Hackathon

A multidisciplinary team for an ambitious project

Our team was composed of developers, graphic designers, and two architecture students who joined us to bring their expertise. Additionally, the hackathon assigned us a coach specializing in artificial intelligence development, whose advice was invaluable throughout the weekend.

Brainstorming and project selection

Dès vendredi, nous avons consacré notre temps à un brainstorming intensif pour déterminer le projet sur lequel nous allions travailler. Après de nombreuses discussions, nous avons décidé de nous concentrer sur la thématique de la transparence des données en Wallonie. Notre objectif était de créer un chatbot capable de croiser les données ouvertes de la région afin de faciliter l'accès à l'information pour les chercheurs, journalistes, étudiants et citoyens curieux.

Development of an intelligent chatbot

Plan de l'api conçue avec la coach
API design plan created with the coach

Our project was to develop a chatbot trained on Wallonia’s open data. This bot was designed to answer complex questions by cross-referencing different data sources. For example, you could ask if there was a correlation between the use of public transport by families with at least one child and the number of schools in their municipality. The bot would then analyze data on family distribution, public transport usage, and the number of schools to provide a detailed response. A task that would have taken weeks for a statistician was greatly simplified by artificial intelligence.

Technologies used

To carry out this project, we used Microsoft Azure cloud, which allowed us to set up an intelligent API capable of sorting available data based on its relevance. This infrastructure enabled our AI to focus on the most relevant information to provide accurate and fast responses.

Winning the Data Prize

At the end of the hackathon, our team won the Data Prize for this project, along with a €10,000 grant to continue its development. However, after careful consideration, we decided to decline the funding, as we were not able to commit as much as this project would have required.

This experience at the "Citizens of Wallonia" hackathon was extremely rewarding. It allowed us to collaborate with professionals from various backgrounds and contribute, for the duration of a weekend, to a project aimed at improving data transparency in Wallonia.

Obtention du prix de la Data de Wallonie
Winning the Data Prize